Our Mission:




Here are some of our accomplishments:

  • Our goal is to award up to $5,000 each academic year to graduating Prince George’s County high school seniors accepted at Morgan State.

  • Our Annual Freshmen Meet and Greet social for students and parents to discuss college life experiences, Q&A, and giveaways.

  • Continued chapter involvement with on campus events such as Embrace-the-Chapter, I Love Morgan Day, and Explore Morgan Day which provides an excellent opportunity to share scholarship information directly to new and transfer students, parents and at the same time raise the visibility of the chapter.

  • Continued involvement with the DC Metro HBCU Alumni Alliance which includes participation in the annual HBCU 5K, Black Tie event, and the Wizards HBCU Night.

  • Continued participation in multiple college fairs, toy drives, and community service initiatives.

  • Bridging the gap between the Alumni chapters and the University by hosting a live show every 1st Wednesday to provide a platform for Morgan alum, and to increase awareness about the Morgan State University Alumni Association.


Welcome to the Morgan State University Prince George’s County Alumni Chapter!

If you are a fellow Morgan State Bear in Prince George’s County or just a supporter of MSU PGCAC, please feel free to join and become a member and get involved with the programs/activities that we host in the county.  We would love for you to join us and bring your talents, ideas, and energy.  




I LOVE Morgan Pre-Homecoming Cookout

To learn more, please email msupgcac.members@gmail.com.


platinum sponsor


bronze sponsors

2023 - 2025 Administration

President - Angela Holmes, 02’


Vice- President – Ebonee' Knight, 20’


Financial Secretary - Sophia Green, 03’

Treasurer – Dawn Ambrose, 99’/06’

Secretary – Nicole Ambrose-Jones, 97’


Committee Chairs

  • Membership Chair and Co-Chair: Sophia Green, 03’ and Kristina Biscoe, 03’

  • Outreach Chair and Co-Chair: Lauren Kornegay, 10’ and Joseph Fulmore Jr., 05’

  • Fundraising Chair: Adrienne Hawkins, 99’

  • Scholarship Chair: Jenaé Bryant, 15’

  • Communication Chair and Co-Chair: Wayne Whitfield, 04’ and Dr. Ashanti Bryant-Foster, 00’

  • HBCU Alliance Chair: Dr. Ashanti Bryant-Foster, 00’

  • Parliamentarian: Kristina Biscoe, 03’


Fundraising Chair

HBCU Alliance Chair

Communication Chair


Outreach Chair

Outreach Co-Chair

Scholarship Chair


Membership Committee

This committee shall undertake activities to increase membership to include retention and reactivation.

Email: msupgcac.members@gmail.com

The committee meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7-8 pm via Zoom.

Scholarship committee

This committee shall undertake the scholarship application process and ensure that the Treasurer distributes funds based on the committee’s approved process.

Email: msupgcac.scholarship@gmail.com

The committee will meet on March 29th at 7-8pm via Zoom.

Outreach Committee

This committee shall undertake the process of representing the MSU PGCAC and university at college fairs, high school fair, or any other event the Executive Board deems necessary.

Email: msupgcac.outreach@gmail.com

The committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

Communication Committee

This committee shall develop, update, and monitor the chapter’s social media network accounts, provide media and video coverage for all chapter events, and communicate with the community to help market focus through alternative media.

Email: msupgcac.communications@gmail.com

The committee meets the third Sunday of every month at 3-4 pm via Zoom.

Fundraising Committee

This committee shall undertake the process of generating funds for the MSU PGCAC to be used for charitable endeavors.

Email: msupgcac.fundraiser@gmail.com

The committee meets the second Monday of every month at 6-7 pm via Zoom.