
Our Mission

The mission of the Morgan State University Prince George’s County Alumni Chapter shall be exclusively educational and charitable for the purpose of promoting the interest, welfare, and excellence of the University and all of its components.

The alumni chapter also seeks to strengthen and extend relationships among alumni in the area of Prince George’s County; to foster all possible means of keeping alumni informed about the University, it’s progress and its challenges; to develop and utilize the individual and collective efforts of the alumni in advancing the welfare and best interest of the University for their education; and to provide financial support to the University and assist the University in its efforts to raise funds from alumni, friends, and the private sector.


Morgan State’s Institutional Core Values:

  • Excellence: Excellence in career, community, and University endeavors and in all aspects of one’s professional and personal undertakings.

  • Leadership: Provides challenging opportunities to promote the development of leadership qualities and characteristics in others and to facilitate leadership traits.

  • Innovation: Encourages others in all forms of business, education, and community involvement including the discovery and application of knowledge in entrepreneurship and service in developing innovative products and processes.

  • Integrity: Engages in honest communications, ethical behavior, and accountability for words and deeds as expected from all members of one’s professional and personal communities.

  • Respect: Treats all persons with respect and dignity and ensures they are treated equitably in all situations.

  • Diversity: Ensures a broad diversity of people and ideas are welcomed and supported in all aspects of ones dealings with others in embracing a global and culturally diverse society.

The History of MSU PGCAC

The Morgan State University Prince George's County Alumni Chapter was discussed by many over a period of time to bring an alumni chapter to Prince George’s County, Maryland. With a meeting of five individuals, Daphney Frank, Rose David, Phillip David, Sybil Cooke and Lisa Tolbert, formed the beginning to recruit more members. They then voted on charter officers.  On October 4, 2013, the Prince George's County Alumni Chapter of the Morgan State Alumni Association chartered at the Homecoming Business Meeting at Morgan State University. Since then, we have hit the ground running.

Thank you to our founding and charter members who saw the vision and worked to continue the Morgan mission! The achievements of this chapter are the result of the combined efforts of each member.

As we embark on this journey together, thank you for being part of our chapter's success over the years. We greatly appreciate and value your hard work and dedication. Let us uphold our values and show our love the Morgan way!


On October 4, 2013 MSU PGCAC celebrated the chartering of the chapter.


Founding Executive Board

Rosalie David (Charter  President)

Daphney Frank (Charter Vice President)

Phillip David (Charter Treasurer)

Sybil Cook (Charter Secretary)


In 2019 MSU PGCAC received a recognition award for participating in the MSU Open House.

Charter Members


Shaun C. Alfred, ’87

Alexander Baker, 86’

Valeria Baker ’87

Vanessa Biggs, 77’

William Biggs, 78’

Littyce Boone, 81’

Steven L. Boone Williams, 11’

Micheline Bowman, 88’

Wendy Burton-Pittman, 89’


Renay Butler, 99’

Charlotte Davidson, 81’

Delores B. Davis, 86’

Melonie B Garrett

Theodore Garrett

Adrienne F. Hawkins, 99’

Robin Jennings, 86’


Regina T. Lister

John Martin, 86’

Demitri Mcdaniel, 93’

Omotayo Oredugba, 12’

Priscilla Oredugba, 87’

Danya Screven, 11’

Lisa Tolbert, 88’

Lashuan Washington-Batts, 88’

Kody Wood, 88’